Moderní knihtiskárna
Andere titel(s): A Modern Book Printing Office
Genre: Documentary film
Jaar: 1925c
Speelduur: 6:29 min:sec
Beschrijving: The film offers a view of the Jiří Jelen Printing House dealing with printing of books and magazines of all kinds; we are getting to the Printing House interior. We can see typesetters working (using the Linotype typesetter), a manual composing room, a printing press, a paper cutter, an automatic speed press, and paper-folding machine. A single worker operates machine for the production of paperbacks. The Printing House also has a boiler room. We can see a company's truck leaving the printing House. In the office we can see a manager and his secretary at work.
Trefwoorden: dokument / tiskárna / sazeč / stroj sázecí Linotype / stroj tiskařský / sazárna / výroba knih brožovaných / řezačka na papír / kotelna / rychlolis automatický / automobil Praga / topič / stroj na skládání papíru / písařka / kancelář / automobil nákladní firemní / firma Jiří Jelen tiskárna / book printing office / printing press / the Linotype typesetter / composing room / paper cutter / production of paperbacks / boiler room / a Praga car / automatic speed press / boiler man / typist / paper folding machine / office / company truck / Printing House Jelen / boiler room / company's car / paper folding machine / Printing House
Provider: Národní filmový archiv
Rechten: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
Productiemaatschappij: Praga Film
Kleur: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Type document :
Collectie: Český dokumentární film
Language: cs